Select a new colour: You must now restart your computer. ” “ xxxx You do not need to restart. The current version of the Internet Config Extension is already installed. Are you sure you want to replace it? A newer version of the Internet Config Extension is already installed. Are you sure you want to replace it? An older version of the Internet Config Extension is already installed. Are you sure you want to replace it? Warning, font crime is being perpetrated. Call 1-800-FONT-CRIME to report this offence! Main Our enemies shall talk themselves to death, and we will bury them with their own confusion. We shall prevail. Save Extension as: Internet Config Extension newer version of the older version of the An ^1Internet Config Extension is already installed. Are you sure you want to replace it? The Internet Config Extension is not installed. Would you like to install it? — Enter the information for an Archie server: Enter the information for an FTP server: Other… untitled